Wednesday, 27 April 2016

What happens when you don't brush your Teeth.

You know you are supposed to brush regularly and visit your dentist at regular intervals. Technically, you are also supposed to floss at least once a day in order to keep up your dental hygiene. Experts from Chisel Dental Clinic say that you must know that besides preventing cavities, brushing your teeth keeps you healthy in a bunch of other ways as well. Here are a few creepy things that happen when you become ignorant towards your dental care routine:
• Cognitive problems: 
You will set up your mind to brush regularly after reading this point. Researches have shown that gum diseases caused by poor oral hygiene intensify the risk of Alzheimer’s and other cognitive issues later in life.
• Heart disease:
The bacteria in your mouth can form a breeding ground for microorganisms linked to the buildup of plaque in your arteries. This increases your risk of heart attacks and strokes. Brush up your teeth twice a day to reduce any such probabilities.
• Diabetes:
Going a day without brushing your teeth won’t cause diabetes but if it becomes a habit then you might get into some serious health troubles. Dry mouth and high levels of bacteria can aggravate already present conditions, like diabetes. If you think that you are at risk, consider keeping some floss and sugar-free gum with you to keep your mouth fresh and clean.
• Smelly Mouth:
Have you ever met someone who stinks while speaking? Well, we all come across such people every now and then. So if you don’t want to be one of those smelly mouthed people then you better start brushing your teeth regularly.
• Osteoporosis:
According to the leading dentists, too many bacteria between your cheeks can decay the connective tissues that hold your teeth in place, plus weaken the body’s immune system if constantly swallowed. Osteoporosis has also been linked to poor oral health.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Reasons for the Sensitivity of Tooth.

Reasons for the Sensitivity of Tooth

Teeth sensitivity refers to the dental condition when a person feels sudden pain or stark sensation in the lining of one or more teeth. Experts from Chisel Dental Clinic say that sensitive teeth may rob you from the joy of eating your favourite food items, therefore, you need to become alert as soon as your teeth show the initial signs of sensitivity. People with sensitive teeth often experience a stark pain and this keeps them uncomfortable and uneasy while eating or drinking anything.
Dental experts say that depletion of the tooth enamel is the major cause behind the sensitivity. Due to the depletion, the sensitive middle layer of the affected tooth gets exposed and the nerve endings present in this layer get irritated by the food items that a person eats. Generally, excessively hot and excessively cold foods and drinks cause great disturbance to the nerve endings. This is the reason behind the severe pain in the affected tooth.
There are a number of reasons that can lead a person towards the problem of tooth sensitivity but the major reasons are:
  • Brushing the teeth in a very rough way on a regular basis. Gradually, this habit can wear away the tooth enamel.
  • Poor oral hygiene is also one of the major reasons behind sensitive teeth.
  • Unhealthy eating habits or too much consumption of junk food can also cause a number of dental issues including sensitivity.
  • Untreated cavities in the tooth can also lead to sensitivity.
  • Harmful chemicals used in the procedure of tooth whitening.

The best way to stay away from the sensitive tooth is to maintain proper oral hygiene. You must try to wash your mouth after every meal in order to wash away the food particles. If you think that you too are suffering from tooth sensitivity then you must make your way to the dentist as soon as possible!

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Different Types of Teeth.

Different Types of Teeth

We all know that it is important to look after our teeth in order to keep them healthy and strong, but very few of us are actually aware about the different types of teeth. Most of us are not even aware about the functioning of these teeth.  Experts from Chisel Dental Clinic say that there are four kinds of teeth and each of them functions differently from one another. Read on to know more about it:
The eight frontal teeth, four at the top and four at the bottom, are called incisors. These are the teeth that help you to bite into the food you eat. Additionally, these teeth also support the lips and the tongue while speaking.

There are total four canines. Each one is located on each side of the upper and lower incisors. These teeth are slightly pointed and are easily the sharpest teeth. These teeth help in biting properly on slightly hard food items such as chicken and sugarcane.

Just behind the canines is another set of teeth known as the premolars. Dentists also refer to them as the bicuspids. There are eight premolars, four at the top and four at the bottom, in a person’s mouth and unlike the incisors and canines, premolars have a flattened top. The main function of these teeth is to chew food.

Right next to the premolars is the set of the molars. These are the widest and the flattest teeth in a person’s mouth. In total, there are 12 molars: six at the top and six at the bottom. Just like the premolars, the function of these teeth is also to chew the food properly. However, it requires a bit of effort to clean these teeth in a proper way.